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Yasuri Yamileth…

OK I like reggaeton… But this… I think this is not even music… Is just Noise… OK a me piace il reggaeton… Ma questo… Penso che non sia neanche musica… E solo rumore… Ok me gusta el reggeaton Pero esto… Pienso que esto no sea nisiquiera musica… Es solo ruido…

Yasuri Yamileth – Gillette
Every one have the rigth to like or not… But the worst is… Ognuno ha il diritto di piacergli o meno… Ma il peggio e’… Cada uno tiene el derecho de que le guste o menos… Pero lo peor es…
The worst is that Yasuri Yamileth has a large crow of “Fans“, that are creating even worst videos… OK I have done videos with lipsync… One of the best parodies… But this is just too much… Il peggio e’ che Yasuri Yamileth ha una marea di “Fans“, che fanno dei video ancora peggiori… OK, io ho fatto video con lipsync… Una delle migliori parodie… Ma questo e’ troppo… Lo peor es que Yasuri Yamileth tiene muchos “Fans“, que estan haciendo videos de lo mas bajo posible… OK, he hecho videos con lipsync… Una de las mejores parodias… Pero esto es de lo peor…

By Agaponeo

My name is Cristian Bracci, and I am married to a beautiful lady as well as the dad of two amazing daughters.
Aside from working full-time and spending time with my family, I generally spend my free time learning new things or playing video games.
Since the days of Atari, I've been a gamer.

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