(Is Lackness a word?) Well.. I really lack of discipline for many things… I try to do many.. (too many) things… but of course is almost impossible to realize all of them… I’ve been with some flue… so I’m a little down (Usually I never get sick) but there are happening many things.. (I already said that time ago) well to be exactly…
The last thing I did… is a Korean exam (written) 90/100 ^_^ and in these 2 last weeks… I have doing… Preparing the Korean exam (speech) Preparing the Korean Culture exam ^_^
Helping my father with a Urbanistic Project (in CAD) Passing all the project in a 3D presentation ^_^ Helping a friend with a web site ^_^ Helping some friends with their pc and some Internet connections I became beta tester of DDO and I got my new DS (I need to play to get relax 😛 ) well… hope to do at least a few of this things… (but It will be hard.. since I’m sick :S )