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Google & EPIC 2014 (Italiano)

Sto provando Google Desktop, gia  che ho trovato alcune proprietà interessanti. Pero ci mette anni per indexare il mio computer (500+ GB), e siccome l’indexamento lo fa solo quando il PC non fa niente, ci mettero  molto tempo.

Penso che con tutti i vari nuovi programmi e risorse che Google ha, loro vogliono conquistare il mondo. Io gia uso Picasa, un programma, per catalogare qualsiasi tipo di immagini situati nel computer, ed anche per alcune operazioni basiche di fotoritocco (Ho trovato il programma molto utile).

Un’altro programma che uso, e’ Google Talk, gia che sono un usuario di Gmail, perche no provare anche questo? (Con questo programma si puo anche chattare con voce con altri usuari di , e la qualita della voce e’ molto buona).

E per ultimo… Google Earth, si… Questo programma e’ veramente inutile, pero divertente da usare, perche non vedere alcuni posti?

Dopo aver visto tutte queste cose, si, mi viene chiaro nella mente che Google vuole tutto…

C’e un video divertente, pero interessante “EPIC 2014” fatto in flash (8minuti) di Robin Sloan and Matt Thompson, con musica di Aaron McLeran (il video e’ in inglese, pero c’e la traduzione in EPIC 2014 in Italian by Fabio. Il video e’ molto interessante, guardatelo.

Old Blog

Problems with language

Thanks the plugin of malyfred for WordPress, now I can write in some languages, so the people can read in his language. But I think in this way I will get more confused with the languages, that I already get always confused with them (who meet me, know it), but the only thing that I can do is get better.

In these days I was trying a site that allow me to translate my site in some languages, however with not good result.

Old Blog

Just music

Three days of full movements in my day life…

Well finishing my entry in the University, and paying the rent (some bad things happen). In the other hand, I found about one music band, 해바라기 is a 70 – 80 folk music group. I enjoy the soft melodic sound, is relaxing and clam music…

It also take you in a oldies mood, that is nice. I like the 70 – 80 music, before I listened only the Latino-American and Italian music of that period, now I have also the Korean that will follow my days. Is happy to listen them.

Old Blog

Boring… is just too early

Again today I wake up early… even earlier…
And now (since my lessons start in October), I’m just boring. I listen some music, some new music…
But I think I should reply some e-mails… Writing e-mails is something that I like to do once a week, no more than that…, and some times I wait even more… but I can’t help it, I thing that I have (bad thing).
I need to wait so much before starting to work… (I work today at 17) And there is no interesting news on internet… What should I do… Just be boring for a while.

Old Blog

Sharing just make feel great…

Yes… I think that… It make me feel nice… and peaceful… Once I meet a person who didn’t like to share things, since they where hard for him to find, so he didn’t want to share, even with the possibility that he wouldn’t lost that. but… he didn’t.

I like to share… and the thing that I like to share most are my impression, my thoughts… when I find something new, something interesting…
But of course I’m not used to share impressions writing (that is why I’m doing it now), I like speak to people (should I make a pod-casting jajajaj).