Old Blog

Se ce l’hai…

Se ce l’hai, non ne hai bisogno… se ne hai bisogno, non ce l’hai… se ce l’hai, hai bisogno di piu… se hai di piu, non hai bisogno di meno…

So che qualcuno l’ha detto (logico), e di sicuro in tempi lontani… Ma… qualcuno mi sa dire chi?

If you have it, you don’t needed it… if you needed, you don’t have it… if you have it, you need more of it… if you have more of it, you don’t need less of it…

Vi lascio il link dove l’ho visto: Old Spice Commercial feat Bruce Campbell (video)

By Agaponeo

My name is Cristian Bracci, and I am married to a beautiful lady as well as the dad of two amazing daughters.
Aside from working full-time and spending time with my family, I generally spend my free time learning new things or playing video games.
Since the days of Atari, I've been a gamer.