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Nick, Agaponeo? (español)

“Que quiere decir ‘Agaponeo’?”, es una de las frases que normalmente me preguntan cuando conosco alguien nuevo, entonces yo empiezo a narrar que erase una vez…
Realmente mi tio me dio este sobrenombre cuando ero mas niño…
Esta es la Explicacion Scientifica de donde el termino “Agaponeo” viene y que significa.
Los Inseparables
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Clase: Aves
Orden: Psittaciformes
Familia: Psittacidae
Genero: Agapornis

A lovebird (genus Agapornis, Greek for “lovebird”) is a very social and affectionate parrot. The name lovebird stems from their affectionate nature. They form a very close bond with their mate, which will usually last their entire life. This is reflected by their name in other languages: in German they are called “die Unzertrennlichen” and in French “les inse’parables” – “inseparables”. For this reason it is often believed that lovebirds in captivity can only be kept in pairs.
This is, however, a myth as a lovebird – like other parrots – is a social animal which needs a great deal of care and attention from its flock mates be they other lovebirds or humans. It is, therefore, possible for a lovebird to bond with their owner, given a lot of love and attention.
Lovebirds are about 13-17 cm in size, 40-60 grams in weight and characterized by a small, stocky build and a short, blunt tail. This puts them among the smallest parrots in the world. The beak is rather large for their overall size. Many lovebirds are green, although color mutations can feature many different colors. Some lovebird species, like Fischer’s, black cheeked and the yellow collared lovebird, have a white ring around the eye. Its lifespan is 10 to 15 years.

(Quoted from Wikipedia).

Bueno, mi tio es un Avicultor, y hay un “Agapornis” de las ocho especies con mi segundo apellido (Su primer apellido). Bueno, creo que eso es…

Species Eight of the different species come from the mainland of Africa. The ninth species, the agapornis canus, originates from Madagascar. In the wild the different species are separated geographically. Lovebirds live in small flocks and eat mainly fruit, vegetables, some grasses and seed.
Black-winged lovebirds also enjoy figs. Only some of the lovebird species are sexually dimorphic. This includes the black-winged lovebird, the grey headed lovebird, and the black collared lovebird. There are a total of 9 different species:
* Grey-headed Lovebird, Agapornis canus
* Red-faced Lovebird, Agapornis pullarius
* Black-winged Lovebird, Agapornis taranta
* Black-collared Lovebird, Agapornis swinderniana
* Peach-faced Lovebird, Agapornis roseicollis

* Fischer’s Lovebird, Agapornis fischeri
* Yellow-collared Lovebird, Agapornis personatus
* Lilian’s Lovebird, Agapornis lilianae
* Black-cheeked Lovebird, Agapornis nigrigeni

(Quoted from Wikipedia).

El nombre de mi tio es “Luis Eduardo Fischer“.

By Agaponeo

My name is Cristian Bracci, and I am married to a beautiful lady as well as the dad of two amazing daughters.
Aside from working full-time and spending time with my family, I generally spend my free time learning new things or playing video games.
Since the days of Atari, I've been a gamer.