I’m a complete disaster right now, at home, at work, and in life in general. I’m trying to grasp the situation and make sense of it, but I can’t seem to get it together.
So, the last time I wrote something in the space was over two years ago, and now I’m writing again out of nowhere. I truly can’t let go of this website/blog; it’s a means for me to keep my nick visible. I’ll try again, and perseverance will win (hopefully).
For the time being, I spent all night yesterday attempt to fix the blog, changing the template to a simpler one, switching hosting to Windows (php version issues with Linux), having to re-install WordPress, and having other permalink issues. At the moment, it appears that everything is in working order.
In my personal life, I am always looking to play a lot of games, including some with my older daughter (nearly 5 years old), who enjoys playing and, more importantly, loves playing with me.
We attempted our first video yesterday, playing dolls in a Barbie house (with some fragments of a story), and we will try again because she did enjoy making the film and seeing it afterwards.
I will try again, writing something, I will try.